Home Assistant Cog for Red-DiscordBot. Red-DiscordBot is a multipurpose bot for Discord developed by Twentysix26.


1) Clone this repo to a folder accessable by your Red bot

2) Add IP and API key information from HASS using Discord1 (DM or private channel recommended) using the following commands:



3) You need to have Home Assistant installed (but not configured), on the system running your discord bot in order to get homeassistant.remote imported for use with the cog.


1 If you are not running Home Assistant on the default port (8123), edit hass.py on your local server and edit line 18 as follows, then comment out line 33. Optionally change the URL in line 34 to match your desired URL. Note: See Issue #3

For example: remote.API('', 'password', '8765')


If you have any questions or issues, please open an issue on GitHub. Feel free to make a pull request if you want to add or fix something.